Smallbore Cowboy Silhouette
Bring out your open-sights .22LR rifle to give a try on some big animal targets!!
If you don’t have an open-sights gun (YET!) bring your favorite .22LR rifle and get in on the fun, too! Someone may even let you borrow theirs. Just know, you may get hooked!
Beginning at 9:00 am: morning sight-in period and position sign up (at least 2 relays will run back to back to allow for you to have a spotter)
Promptly at 10 am: match starts
Noon-ish: we’ll be cooking up some hamburgers and hot dogs! Bring a side dish (that can sit out in the warm air or bring a cooler). Drinks will be provided. Donations to help cover the cost are welcomed!
1-2 pm: stick around to shoot for fun and practice. Also, if you can stick around, we appreciate any help with cleaning up and putting the (really heavy) animals away.
Equipment Required:
.22 caliber rifle
60 rounds (15 targets per animal)
eye and ear protection
Equipment Recommended:
.22 caliber lever gun with adjustable open sights
binoculars for spotting for a friend
Additional rounds for sighting in and for the afternoon fun shooting
Here’s a video to check out with real deal lever ACTION – the shootoff for the 2020 Tennessee State Champion. It’s a real nail biter!!